Babyproofing Your Relationship


Having a baby is potentially the biggest life transition you will be faced with. Parenting is hard! It’s tough on both parents individually as well as on the relationship as a whole. You now have to figure out how to be the same partner in this different & evolving relationship, & adapt to the changes. Having a baby can be an exciting and terrifying journey all at once. Furthermore, the stressors of parenthood strain even the strongest of relationships. Having a baby is a BIG deal! And no one prepares you for the unforeseen changes it will not only have on your life, but your relationship.

You may have been a very functional and happy couple before you had kids, but now you have kids and that transition brings with it a whole new set of challenges. It is essential to make sure your couple relationship is fundamentally strong so that you are working from a solid base as you take on all the new challenges associated with now being parents together.

You are not alone. MOST couples experience a significant decrease in happiness after having their first child. Any transition from one developmental stage to the next is going to be inherently difficult as you’re presented with a whole new set of tasks and challenges. This can cause mental, emotional, & even physically exhaustion. There is nothing you are doing wrong, you simply just need to learn how to adapt. The growing pains are normal.
